Spring Allergies and Pollen

Central Texas is known for its allergy season, and this spring the allergens are living up to their name.  I like to get outside to enjoy the spring weather in my garden or on the hiking trails, but I keep a package of tissues and a bottle of allergy pills handy to enjoy springtime.

It is not hard to see why our allergies feel out of control.  One finger swipe on my windshield reveals a yellow layer of pollen, and my outdoor furniture has to be wiped down every time I want to sit outside.

Spring allergies can be caused by pollen from oaks and other trees, ragweed, and grasses.  Oak trees might be one of the more noticeable types of pollen because we can all see the catkins on the trees, and they collect on our driveways and along the street curbs.

Normally, a spring rain and humidity helps wash the pollen away, but the weather has been very dry and windy this spring with very little rain.  The pollen has ample opportunity to float around in the air and continue to bother our eyes and noses.  The bottom line is that we need a rain to water our crops, fill our lakes, and help our allergies.  Pray for rain!

For more lawn and garden information, contact Kate Whitney, Williamson County AgriLife Horticulturist, at 512-943-3300.

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