St. Augustine Woes

Spring is a busy time in the gardening world, and I never feel like I have enough time in the day to get to all my garden tasks.  It could be that I need to stop buying plants for my new flower beds and just focus on what I have already growing, but where is the fun in that?  Planting flowers is more fun than pulling weeds!

One topic that is coming up a lot this spring is problems in the lawn.  St. Augustine grass took a hard hit in many lawns this winter, and it is very slow to come back this spring.

This winter, we had relatively warm weather until the hard freeze in January.  Many St. Augustine lawns were still green in January and had not had enough cold temperatures to go dormant.  During the hard freeze on the weekend of January 13, we had temperatures down to 17 degrees.  That is a big temperature drop for St. Augustine grass that has not gone dormant yet! (more…)

Fun Ideas for Backyard Gardens

One of the things that I love most about gardening is getting to experiment and try out new ideas.  Gardens are living, changing spaces, and it is so fun to layer in new plants.

In the Master Gardener Demonstration Garden in Georgetown, I have learned a lot from the Master Gardeners as they try out new plants and design ideas over the years.  Another great thing about gardening is learning from your garden friends!

We have a section of the vegetable garden that is now dubbed the “backyard garden.”  There you can find (more…)

Soil Temperatures

The talk among gardeners in the spring is when to start putting out vegetable plants.  If you start too early, a late frost might get your tomato plants, but starting too late could mean a shorter growing season before summer heat slows down production.

There are a lot of interesting tips for planting vegetables by the signs of the moon or counting the weeks from Groundhog Day to predict the last day of winter.  One of the best kept secrets of good gardening is knowing the value of checking soil temperature.  Use a soil thermometer, or even a kitchen thermometer, to test (more…)

Earth-Kind Tips for Spring

Spring is here, and I am enjoying the warmer weather and longer days!  I am getting more excited to add some new plants to the landscape and do work in the yard.  If you are planning to do any updates to the landscape, consider some tips from the AgriLife Extension Earth-Kind program to make your landscape environmentally friendly.

One great way to improve your soil, prevent weeds, and help conserve water is to add a three-inch layer of mulch to your landscape beds.  You can buy mulch in bulk from many local landscape supply stores or check with your local city about free mulch pick-up.  Bagged mulch is also a great option if you don’t have a way to transport a bulk order.

Water conservation is a big priority in Central Texas, (more…)

Spring Prep

Spring is in the air!  The fruit trees are starting to bloom and I have spotted a few bluebonnets already on the roadsides.  Here are a few tips and tasks for spring gardening.

Begin planning and preparing your spring garden beds for crops like tomatoes, peppers, squash, and other vegetable crops.  Check your irrigation system for leaks and incorporate compost into the top six inches of soil. (more…)

Snapdragons and Angelonia

One of my first memories of enjoying flowers as a kid was when my dad stopped in the garden section of Ace Hardware to show my brother and I how to pinch the flower on a snapdragon to make its “mouth” open and close.  We were thrilled to see those flowers come to life, and I still cannot resist stopping by a snapdragon to make it talk.

Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) originated in southwestern Europe and have been enjoyed in gardens throughout Europe and the United States for decades.  The genus name antirrhinum is from Greek meaning like a (more…)

Spring Weed Control

The last week or two, the evening light has lasted long enough for me to piddle around in the garden when I get home.  I could not help but think, “Spring is coming!”  We still have the month of February to get through, so I am trying to restrain myself.  There are a few late winter tasks to start thinking about, and one of those is weed control.

If you have trouble with more weeds in your lawn than you would like, pre-emergent weed control is a good way to prevent weeds before they get a chance to grow.  Pre-emergent herbicides work when weed seeds are (more…)

Dreaming of Spring Plants

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Lone Star Horticulture Forum, a conference hosted by the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association.  January is a great month for plant people to get together to talk about trends in the industry, water conservation initiatives, and new pests and diseases to watch.

The education at the conference was excellent, but one of my favorite parts was seeing new plants and bringing home plant catalogs!  I have some empty spots in my landscape, and I have my eye on a couple new plants to add in this spring. (more…)


Last week I was very excited to get an order of asparagus crowns to plant in the garden.  I grew up eating fresh asparagus straight from my dad’s garden, and it is hard to beat those fresh, green spears for an early spring vegetable.

Asparagus is a fun crop to grow in the garden.  It is a perennial crop that can produce for (more…)

Healthy Winter Vegetables

January is just around the corner, bringing the next planting season for vegetable gardeners!  We are blessed in Central Texas to have the opportunity to garden in the winter months. During the winter, I enjoy eating warm foods like soups and casseroles, so a fresh salad from the garden or some sauteed greens are a great way to add color and nutrients.

In mid-January, the Williamson County vegetable planting calendar shows us that we can start planting cole crops like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflowers.  These should be planted as (more…)