Late Summer Lawn and Garden Tasks

The year has gone by so fast, and it is hard to believe August is already almost over!  Our lawns, trees, and gardens are certainly showing the signs of a hot, dry summer.

This time of year, we are trying to keep things alive during the heat and starting to prepare for fall.  Here are a few tips to help.

Water early in the morning to reduce evaporation and improve water-use efficiency.  The ideal time is between 3am-9am.  Use the Cycle and Soak method to reduce runoff and improve soil water infiltration.

Water deeply and less frequently.  Water no more than 1 or 2 times in the summer to promote deep roots.  Check the city website to find your watering schedule.  Some city water departments are encouraging a reduction in water use right now, so please be sure to follow their guidelines to help conserve treated water.

Trees need more help with water during this hot, dry summer weather we are experiencing right now.  When you water trees, it is best to water slow and deep.  A soaker hose or drip irrigation is great for water conservation and will deliver water to the root zone where it is needed most.

Do not water right by the trunk of the tree.  Go out beneath the crown of the tree and extend a few feet past the drip line where the feeder roots are located.  Too much water at the trunk of the tree can lead to rot and disease issues.

As we come to the end of August and into early September, it is time to start thinking about winter weed prevention.  Apply pre-emergent herbicide with the active ingredients of dithiopyr, pendimethalin, or prodiamine to prevent grassy weeds like annual bluegrass or rescuegrass.  Broadleaf weeds can be controlled with the active ingredient isoxaben.   Follow label instructions for the best application rate.

Fore more lawn and garden tips, visit our website at or contact the Williamson County AgriLife Extension Office at 512-943-3300.

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