Hands On in the Garden

3151 SE Inner Loop Georgetown

Let's Walk & Talk in the Garden! We want to let you know that the Master Gardeners of Williamson County maintain a large Demonstration Garden, with 5 sections of plants: Vegetable, Back Yard, Herb, Rose, and Drought-Tolerant. You are always welcome to visit the Gardens, and this month, the Hands On in the Garden program is presenting FREE guided tours of the Garden, with plenty of opportunities for questions. Come see what's growing in the garden this spring and talk to a Master Gardener! We will be outdoors... Read More →

Green Thumbs Up – RR

Round Rock Public Library 200 E. Liberty Ave., Round Rock, TX, United States

Join us for a FREE program entitled "Help for New Homeowners," presented by a Master Gardener . Join us for a FREE program entitled "New Homeowners," presented by a Master Gardener . You've found the home of your dreams, and you want to get the lawn and garden looking beautiful, but you're not sure where to start? This program will give you lots of useful information to help you get off to a great start with your new home.

Master Gardener Monthly Meeting

100 Wilco Way, Ste 226, Georgetown, TX 78626

SNAKES AND SAFETY: Join us in person for a FREE program about snakes. Tim Cole, the owner of Austin Reptile Service, has over 40 years of experience in handling a wide variety of reptiles, and will share information about how to deal safely with snakes when you encounter them in your lawn or garden. Tim is involved in many community events and organizations concerning snakes.  His motto is "Conservation by Education." Tim developed a state-approved training class for Animal Control Officers, conducts snake safety classes, AND is available... Read More →

Green Thumbs Up – CP

Cedar Park Public Library 550 Discovery Blvd., Cedar Park, TX, United States

Join us for a FREE program entitled "Help for New Homeowners," presented by a Master Gardener . Join us for a FREE program entitled "New Homeowners," presented by a Master Gardener . You've found the home of your dreams, and you want to get the lawn and garden looking beautiful, but you're not sure where to start? This program will give you lots of useful information to help you get off to a great start with your new home.

Green Thumbs Up – BC

Brushy Creek Community Center 16318 Great Oaks Drive, Round Rock, United States

Join us for a FREE program entitled "Help for New Homeowners," presented by a Master Gardener . You've found the home of your dreams, and you want to get the lawn and garden looking beautiful, but you're not sure where to start? This program will give you lots of useful information to help you get off to a great start with your new home.

Hands On in the Garden

3151 SE Inner Loop Georgetown

Calling all herb enthusiasts! Do you use herbs in your cooking? There are many herbs that are easy to grow and add a wonderful flavor and aroma to foods. Presented by the Master Gardeners of Williamson County, Hands On in the Garden is a FREE monthly gardening program and the topic for June is Herb Gardening. Members of the Herb Garden team will present 3 mini-programs about using herbs to make tea, body scrubs, and vinegar. They will also discuss garden design and the importance of good drainage.... Read More →

Green Thumbs Up – RR

Round Rock Public Library 200 E. Liberty Ave., Round Rock, TX, United States

Join us for a FREE program about selecting, planting, growing, and caring for a variety of succulents, presented by Master Gardener Kaye Davidson.

Master Gardener Monthly Meeting

100 Wilco Way, Ste 226, Georgetown, TX 78626

Master Gardener Brenda McIndoo will present a FREE program about caring for your crape myrtle trees and dealing with bark scale. Join us in person or online. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YmFkOGJhYTQtOGMxMy00YjdkLWE3NzUtOGQ4MzY0NmY2NDhk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e25da047-22d0-4e2e-a07d-9d98221979c7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2285438e5d-d662-447b-9556-aabef9576c9f%22%7d

Green Thumbs Up – Cedar Park

Cedar Park Public Library 550 Discovery Blvd., Cedar Park, TX, United States

Join us for a FREE program about selecting, planting, growing, and caring for a variety of succulents, presented by Master Gardener Kaye Davidson.

Green Thumbs Up – Brushy Creek

Brushy Creek Community Center 16318 Great Oaks Drive, Round Rock, United States

Join us for a FREE program about selecting, planting, growing, and caring for a variety of succulents, presented by Master Gardener Kaye Davidson.