Grow Native, Not Wild! (virtual class)


This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. Our staff horticulturalist and water resource professionals will be online taking and answering your questions. Gardening with native plants doesn’t mean giving up your yard to the weeds! Texas plants look stunning when artfully combined in styles to please every taste-- traditional, cottage, modern, or architectural! Learn how to cultivate key strategies from natural systems to control your landscape while still enjoying the dynamic, natural... Read More →

Texan Plants (virtual class)


This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. Our staff horticulturalist and water resource professionals will be online taking and answering your questions. There's a growing trend to incorporate native plants in landscapes not only for their ability to save water, but also for the incredible beauty and the countless ecosystem services they provide! Learn how to grow your favorite native wildflowers, trees, shrubs as well as perennials with lush vibrant colors and... Read More →

Rainwater Harvesting (virtual class)


This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. Our staff horticulturalist and water resource professionals will be online taking and answering your questions. Grow your rainwater harvesting capacity and make a big splash of savings on your water bill! This program covers design, construction, maintenance and benefits of a large rainwater collection system. Participants will learn how to calculate rainwater capture and detailed design of an above ground collection system for your home,... Read More →

Weed’em and Reap: Weeds and Watering (virtual class)


This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. This class makes sense of two of the most challenging issues many homeowners face. If you're having trouble controlling unwanted plants in your lawn and landscape or if you're confused about when to water and when to Our staff horticulturalist and water resource professionals will be online taking and answering your questions.wait, we're here to help. Learn the best approach to managing weeds effectively without... Read More →

Pots in Small Spots: Container Gardening (virtual class)


This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. Gardening in containers is a great way to grow your horticulture skills! If you have a small yard or patio that needs a pop of ornamental color, are frustrated with the poor soils on your property, or just simply don't have the space to grow your fruits and veggies, then give container gardening a try. This course is such a fun way to put the... Read More →

Sensational Succulents (virtual class)


This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. You’ll be a succa for this class for sure! Succulents are one of the hottest trends in gardening for good reason. Not only are they easy to grow, needing very little water and attention but they can also be dazzling additions to containers AND landscapes: available with diverse colors, assorted textures and even spectacular blooms! Learn all about growing various cacti, sedums, aloes, agave and... Read More →