Advance Viticulture Shortcourse pt 2

The Advanced Viticulture Shortcourse has been moved to a digital format. It has been broken up into 3 individual sessions. This workshop is for the large and small grape growers at any stage in learning, it is advanced because we take each topic and go deeper than the normal workshops we offer. Once a year opportunity so register today. Registration is now open at:


National Tomato Day Demos

We’re observing #NationalTomatoDay with our Texas A&M AgriLife partners at @DinnerTonightTx! Join us LIVE on June 3rd at 3 PM as Horticulturalist, Daniel Cunningham, talks on Growing Cherry Tomatoes and Dinner Tonight’s Odessa Keenan shows you how to prepare a delicious cherry tomato and cilantro salad at home!  

Drip Irrigation DIY (virtual class)

This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. Our staff horticulturalist and water resource professionals will be online taking and answering your questions. Make every drip count! Whether you have an existing sprinkler system or just an outdoor faucet, learn how to install, convert and maintain a drip irrigation system. Drip irrigation is the most efficient irrigation method for landscape beds, potted plants, vegetable gardens or home foundations. The flow of information from... Read More →

Advance Viticulture Shortcourse pt.3

The Advanced Viticulture Shortcourse has been moved to a digital format. It has been broken up into 3 individual sessions. This workshop is for the large and small grape growers at any stage in learning, it is advanced because we take each topic and go deeper than the normal workshops we offer. Once a year opportunity so register today. Registration is now open at:


Water U Doing?: Water Efficient Sprinklers (virtual class)


What are you doing for your landscape? Save water, money and time by giving your sprinkler system a “Spruce Up”. Come learn how minor do it yourself repairs and simple irrigation tips can make a MAJOR impact on your water waste and your water bill. If you’ve got questions about your controller or how much your lawn and landscape really needs, we’ve got a stream of info to get your plants looking their best! This class will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. Our staff... Read More →

Grow Native, Not Wild! (virtual class)


This class is FREE will be LIVE on our Facebook page AgriLife Water University. NO LINKS TO CLICK and NO NEED TO REGISTER. Our staff horticulturalist and water resource professionals will be online taking and answering your questions. Gardening with native plants doesn’t mean giving up your yard to the weeds! Texas plants look stunning when artfully combined in styles to please every taste-- traditional, cottage, modern, or architectural! Learn how to cultivate key strategies from natural systems to control your landscape while still enjoying the dynamic, natural... Read More →